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The Challenges and Rewards of Writing Counting Thyme Book Pdf


Author Amy Rovere lost her mother to cancer when she was nine. This book was inspired by her loss and by her desire to help children going through a similar experience. [advanced picture book, ages 9 and up]

Todd Parr helps kids to articulate how they might feel when they say goodbye to someone. While this picture book would work in a variety of situations (friend moving away, divorce, parent incarcerated, etc.), it also is a great companion book to Her Pink Hair. [picture book, ages 2 and up]

Counting Thyme Book Pdf

Mr. C is a cancer cell that is known all over the world. This book introduces children who have a family member fighting cancer and how they cope with the changes that it brings. Use this book to empower children with different ways to help themselves and others. [picture book, ages 5 and up]

A ten-year-old girl muses and struggles to understand what death means when her younger brother dies after a long battle with illness. While she and her family are under the dark cloud of grief, she, nevertheless, has dark humor and keen observational skills to ask the universe simple yet deep questions to make sense of this loss. This is a book that will help kids process grief and loss. [middle grade, ages 8 and up]

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Thanks for your great book recommedations. Would it be possible to get those two books from you to review? They are your books? I am trying to keep this list updated so I would love to review and add!

It can be difficult to explain something like Cancer to children and it may not be easy to start a chat with them on such a topic. These books will be great help for explaining to kids the things they may need to know and what they can do to support the person suffering from cancer.

My son, Brandon, and I put together cancer care baskets* filled with personal care items and goodies which we bring to our local cancer center in Miami a few times a year. Marquita was kind and generous enough to donate her books for these baskets and they were so well received by the mom patients who have young kids! I highly recommend her book!

Self-publishing is booming, and with this transition comes a plethora of organisations worldwide offering author services to writers. But what if your budget doesn't extend to a professional editor, typesetter, cover designer, and so forth? Does this mean your book will not meet industry standards, be of poor quality, or sadly never be published? Absolutely not.

Editing tools edit a book by working with algorithms that flag potential issues in the text and suggest context-specific corrections for grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. Some tools like Grammarly explain the reasoning behind each correction, so you can make an informed decision about whether, and how, to correct an issue.

You might be wondering, can an editing tool replace a human proofreader to edit my book? In short, no. For example, the words in this sample are correctly spelt individually but are incorrect in context:

These unique tools make interior book formatting and interior book design achievable for the DIY author. With professional guidance built into these programs, your book will be as close as possible to an experienced designer.

Premade covers are ready-made covers that are sold only once and then removed from the website. Some are customisable, others are unique creations, usually made from several images combined. Premade covers are affordable and are an exciting way for authors to self-publish books.

Our Pickawoowoo Publishing Group book cover and format professionals spent years honing their craft, as any good specialists does, yet we understand the issues independent authors face be it time, money, control and the like. As mentioned earlier, we recommend that you never rely solely on technology. Technology over technique can produce commonplace design and cannot develop a relationship with your reader. Get feedback from professionals and your prospective readers...take time to design well.

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The 4-7-8 breathing exercise involves emptying your lungs then inhaling through your nose while silently counting to four. Hold your breath while counting to seven. then exhale through your mouth for a count of eight. Repeat this process consecutively three or four times in a row. 2ff7e9595c


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